Sunday 23 June 2013

Ya -Malik Name of Allah




 The Sovereign Lord 

He who is the absolute king of the entire universe .

 Al-Malik Al-Malik -The Absolute Ruler

He who repeats this name many times every day after the morning prayer. Will become rich by the grace of Allah.

The esma of Malik is one of the 99 attributes. This esma shows that the Creator Allah is the owner of all things that are created. Allah is the only owner of all things. All ruling belongs to Him. The absolute ruler is He. It has created this rule Itself, created it from nothing, and with this ruling, by allowing the beauty to live, It has established His kingdom over all that lives. The real owner of the kingdom is Allah, and the wisdom, the hikmet, of this kingdom is for the beauty of the things that are created

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1 comment:

  1. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    الــرحــمــان الــرحــيــم

    ما شاء الله
